Stay Strong In Life
The "Stay Strong in Life" series is intended for you who want to be your own anchor, live a balanced life, live in the now, and enjoy a life where you don't compromise who you truly are.
Stay Strong In Life
40. Let your integrity become a good friend
Affirmation: I treat myself with respect
When you have integrity, self-respect is automatically a part of who you are, and you treat yourself as you would others. Personal values and integrity go hand in hand. Get a description of the seven elements in "the Code of Integrity".
The "Stay Strong in Life" series is intended for you who want to be your own anchor, live a balanced life, live in the now, and enjoy a life where you don't compromise who you truly are.
Thank you for listening!
All rights to this podcast belong to Gittemaj Kreutzmann.
Music licensed through: audiohub